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Session Name: Getting Noticed: Why You Need an Online Portfolio and How to Make One
Speaker(s): Jacob Minkoff
Company Name(s): Naughty Dog Inc
Track / Format: Game Career Seminar
Overview: Acquiring the right skills is only the first step to getting hired in the games industry; now those skills need to be displayed. A well-written cover-letter and resume are important but, in game development, the online portfolio is king.

Using examples drawn from actual industry portfolios spanning multiple disciplines and laying out a step-by-step process for portfolio website and content generation, this talk will show you how to easily create a professional-quality portfolio website that will substantially increase your odds of being hired for a game development position no matter what your concentration or experience level.

GDC 2010

Jacob Minkoff

Naughty Dog Inc

free content

Game Career Seminar

Game Career / Education