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Session Name:

The Future of MMO Monetization: How Turbine Supercharged DDO by Adopting a Hybrid Business Model


As MMOs have evolved into 24/7 services, their customer base has broadened. MMO developers have ventured into hybrid business models, taking advantage of the various points of engagement of a captive audience. Turbine's recent shift of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE: EBERRON UNLIMITED to a next-gen economic model makes for an interesting case study of our changing industry. During this session, Fernando Paiz will use DDO Unlimited as an example to outline the benefits and pitfalls of various MMO monetization strategies including subscriptions, free-to-play, micro-transactions, episodic content, retail distribution, and advertising.

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  • GDC 2010
  • Fernando Paiz
  • Turbine
  • free content
  • Social & Online Games Summit
  • Other