Hollywood-style distributed development is alive and well on the other side of the world, as demonstrated by the successful collaboration between Japans iconic Q Entertainment and Koreas fun factory Phantagram. In this lecture, NINETY-NINE NIGHTS producer Tetsuya Mizuguchi and director Sangyoun Lee join forces to reveal all there is to know about the production of the much-anticipated action fantasy game, in this Xbox 360 postmortem. These visionaries share their experiences designing the videogame's next-generation characters and its environments as well as the elements used to create the multi-angle scenario, for example, in which the player assumes the role of many different characters and can see the world from different perspectives. Mizuguchi and Lee also discuss the storyline's inception and the use of cinematic sequences before they delve into the technical challenges, and the difficulties they coped with by working with several companies, in several languages, across multiple time zones.