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Session Name: SNS and Social Serious Games for Customer-facing Business
Speaker(s): Shigeru Chigusa
Company Name(s): NewGame Solution (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Track / Format: Serious Games
Overview: Social games on SNS services such as facebook and Kaixin001 have become part of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world. Taking advantage of this power into Serious Games is a natural match. Applying this ease-of-use and casual nature to corporate training targeting businesses such as hotels, retails and restaurants can be very powerful and cost-saving way to provide behavior-change evoking training to often neglected class of employees; millions of them. This session will discuss how social serious games can be very effective in such combination, in order to support rapidly growing and improving businesses.

GDC China 2010

Shigeru Chigusa

NewGame Solution (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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Serious Games

Serious Games