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Session Name:

Game Localization: Using the Past to Understand the Present and Predict the Future


Game localization has developed rapidly and organically over the years and continues to emerge as its own unique form of content localization. Starting with localization in the early '90s (the SNES/Genesis era), when games were sold in the toy department of major retailers, this keynote session for the 2012 Localization Summit will first look back on the evolution of game localization and reflect on how we've advanced, and then discuss the state of the art today at Microsoft Studios. As the game localization discipline looks forward, certain technologies (machine translation) and social initiatives (crowd sourcing) present alternative options for localization. How viable will these be in the future? How might they make game localization more efficient or accurate? Explore these questions and more with these industry veterans!

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  • GDC 2012
  • Matt Whiting
  • Microsoft Studios
  • Ted Woolsey
  • Microsoft Studios
  • free content
  • Localization Summit
  • Localization / QA