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Session Name:

Mind Games: Brain Training for Game Developers


This session will rewire your brain for the better! Solid neuroscience has produced many actionable findings that can boost game developer brain function. Brain scientists now strongly believe in neuroplasticity; neurons that fire together, wire together. Brain games can be used in and out of the office to rewire game developer minds to be more effective. These can be applied by individuals and by leads to increase team brain development. In this workshop we'll learn about these techniques and practice them with interactive exercises.

These are not just theories. The scientific studies behind these techniques have produced solid data using random assignment, placebo control, peer review and duplication of results. Sources will be detailed in an accompanying handout. The findings are not just ideas; these are practical techniques that I and others have applied to game development with great success.

Come play mind games and leave with a rewired brain!

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  • GDC 2012
  • Scott Crabtree
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production