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Session Name:

Big Games in Small Packages: Lessons Learned In Bringing a Long-running PC MMO to Mobile


This session covers the challenges and lessons learned in bringing a traditional, long-running PC MMORPG (Vendetta Online, launched in 2004) over to smartphone and tablet platforms, beginning with an Android port in 2010. This includes the pros and cons of the business case, the largest areas of development time, relative tradeoffs of Android vs iOS, partnering with carriers and OEMs, and other challenges. Although the session is geared from the perspective of a PC MMO developer, most information should be useful to anyone looking to bring over existing games from console or PC. Beyond the lessons learned, there will also be some focus on the current state of mobile platforms, and where we expect (or hope) things will go in the future.

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  • John Bergman
  • Guild Software, Inc.
  • free content
  • Business and Marketing and Management
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