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Session Name:

Latin America - Essential Insights into the Most Vibrant Growth Market in Gaming


Latin America is a highly lucrative market for US and European developed F2P games, and is naturally one that developers are keen to enter. This talk will look at the history of gaming in Latin America and examine why it has become such a massive player in a continent that has historically never been a major market for traditional gaming models. In addition to sharing some impressive statistics on numbers of players and potential revenue streams, Julian will discuss how developers can tap into the huge Latin American F2P market. Furthermore, stressing the importance of localization, he will reveal which genres of games succeed best in this market and some cultural considerations that are vital for success in this vast market. The talk will reveal the most recent relevant market research, which covers over 25,000 gamers across Brazil, and what clues it gives to the future of F2P gaming in Brazil.

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  • GDC 2013
  • Julian Migura
  • UOL BoaCompra
  • free content
  • Free to Play Design & Business Summit
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