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Session Name:

Killing the Wireframe: Rapid Prototyping on iOS


The move to a "mobile-first" landscape creates challenges to traditional methods of design, as consumers - always looking for the newest, coolest products - are no longer satisfied with anything but rapid innovation. nnAd Hoc Labs uses prototypes to test new features for their app Burner. Quickly innovating and designing in code, vs. spending hours perfecting wireframes helps them move fast and test out ideas, putting them in the best position possible to deliver innovative experiences. nnIn this session, Will Carter, Head of Product for Ad Hoc Labs, will discuss the tools they use for rapid prototyping and testing, using specific examples from their own experiences.

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  • ADC 2013
  • Will Carter
  • Ad Hoc Labs
  • free content
  • Lifestyle Apps
  • Other