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Session Name:

Getting Your App Noticed: User Acquisition Heading into the Holidays


Building a great app is the first step in successful app development. But the second, and arguably the most difficult step, is getting the app noticed. Understanding how to identify relevant customers, market to them in a profitable way, then analyze the various channels to measure campaign success, and use the analysis to find more customers is extremely complex. The winter holidays are an excellent (but expensive) time for a developer to launch a new app, and thus an important time for user acquisition planning and strategy. Michael Dawson will share his experiences and insights from leading Business Development, Partnerships and Publishing. Michael has been heavily involved with the UA process, our relationships and the success of the various channels over the past 3 years.

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  • GDC Next 2013
  • Michael Dawson
  • Pocket Gems
  • free content
  • Smartphone & Tablet Games
  • Smartphone / Tablet Games