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Session Name:

Getting Players to Care: Using Narrative to Drive Retention


Within a week of its release on iOS, High School Story hit #5 in the U.S. top free category and #10 in the U.S. top grossing category. Since then, High School Story has managed to cultivate and expand its dedicated player base - all while maintaining industry-leading retention numbers. Much of the success of High School Story can be attributed to the eight-person writing team tasked with creating its ongoing, interactive narrative - the story in High School Story. Lead writer Kara Loo and producer and designer Royal McGraw will explain High School Story's strategy of using drama, romance, comedy and cliffhangers to drive user engagement and retention.

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  • GDC 2014
  • Kara Loo
  • Pixelberry Studios
  • Royal McGraw
  • Pixelberry Studios
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design