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Session Name:

Streaming in Sunset Overdrive's Open World


This is a postmortem of the streaming technology used in Sunset Overdrive, the challenges and pitfalls we encountered while building it, and how it shaped our game's design. In the space of a single project, Insomniac Games went from developing level-based platformer/shooters to the sprawling open world of Sunset Overdrive. Turning an indoor shooter engine with airlock loading into one that could stream entire city blocks while the player grinds through them at breakneck speed involved painstaking iteration and a lot of trial and error. Here we look back at the experience from every department's point of view, including engine development, gameplay, production, art and design.

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  • GDC 2015
  • Elan Ruskin
  • Insomniac Games
  • free content
  • Production
  • Production
  • Programming
  • Programming