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Session Name:

Audio Bootcamp XVI: "Audio Tech 101" & "Interactive Music Approaches"


"Audio Tech 101":
In this presentation, Tomas Neumann will run through the basics of how, where, and when audio technology is used to enable sound designers, composers, VO designers and other creatives during production, iteration, deployment, and runtime. He will explain how audio implementation changed dramatically over the last 12 years and list how audio middlewares are now based on the similar data-driven concepts, which shift responsibility and ownership from the implementers more towards the content providers. These changes make it easier to understand the basic technical functionality in use and to take advantage by organizing assets, iterating, and debugging.

"Interactive Music Approaches":
This talk will focus on some strategies and design approaches for creating interactive music systems that help promote the game's narrative through music.

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  • GDC 2017
  • Steve Green
  • Independent
  • Tomas Neumann
  • Blizzard Entertainment
  • free content
  • Audio
  • Audio