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Session Name:

Rules of the Game: Five Further Techniques from Rather Clever Designers


How do you make your games work? There's no sure-fire way to design great games, but over numerous successful projects the best designers develop techniques that help them craft compelling experiences. Returning for GDC 2018, the Rules of the Game session takes five renowned designers and asks them to go into detail about a rule they've used in their work. Each speaker has ten minutes to dive into their technique and provide detailed examples about how they have used the rule in past projects, honestly sharing the pluses and minuses including where their rule works well and where it may be less applicable. These are personal rules that you may not always agree with, but they're guaranteed to provide interesting fodder for your own game design thoughts and help you build your own design rulebook.

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  • GDC 2018
  • Richard Rouse III
  • Paranoid Productions
  • Erin Hoffman-John
  • Sense of Wonder
  • Soren Johnson
  • Mohawk Games
  • Raph Koster
  • Independent
  • Josh Sawyer
  • Obsidian Entertainment
  • Stone Librande
  • Riot Games
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design
  • Production & Team Management
  • Production