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Session Name:

XRDC's 2018 Innovative AR/VR Showcase


In this special session, XRDC has selected the co-creators of two standout AR/VR/XR titles to present case studies of their intriguing and innovative work. First, Tinker VR's Shimon Alkon will discuss bringing to life an experience of what it might be like to gradually lose a loved one to Alzheimer's. The experience integrates animation with live performance in VR in way that allows the participant to interact, influence, and affect the narrative that unfolds. Then, Kimberly Hieftje from Yale's play4REAL lab will discuss 'smokeSCREEN VR', a VR intervention focused on e-cigarette prevention in teens. Created with input from teens, the game uses voice recognition software to allow the player to practice refusal skills in real-time.

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  • XRDC 2018
  • Shimon Alkon
  • TinkerVR
  • Kimberly Hieftje
  • play4REAL Lab, Yale
  • free content
  • Innovation
  • Virtual / Augmented Reality