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Session Name:

Game Discoverability Day: Paid Acquisition for Smartphone Games: A Scrappy, Practical Guide


Bootstrapping your own marketing spend and generating the biggest possible return on investment for that spend is incredibly important for small and medium-sized companies in the mobile space. In this talk, Iron Horse Games' Mike Gordon (publisher of 'Tap Tap Dig' and 'Idle Apocalypse') will touch on different marketing strategies, the strengths of different marketing networks and easily avoidable mistakes that you can use to market and grow your game on iOS and Google Play. The talk will be focused on how to practically market your games, including the approach to managing user acquisition budgets and strategies and the proper use of attribution partners.

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  • GDC 2019
  • Michael Gordon
  • Iron Horse Games, LLC
  • free content
  • Business & Marketing
  • Business & Marketing