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Session Name:

ML Tutorial Day: From Motion Matching to Motion Synthesis, and All the Hurdles In Between


Motion matching started a revolution in the way developers create runtime animation controllers for video game characters, freeing developers from the burden of manually crafted motion trees. Games like 'For Honor', 'UFC' and 'Last of Us' are showing the great benefits in terms of realism and animation quality this technique can provide. Still, motion matching can only choose poses from an animation database, with no ability to generate new ones. Machine learning can help you go a step further, from motion matching to actual motion synthesis.This session will cover state-of-the-art techniques (Phase-Functioned Neural Networks, and Mode-Adaptive Neural Networks) that use neural networks to synthesize motion from examples, explicitly calling out important architecture and implementation details, and spark a discussion on how this technology can be used in a modern game development pipeline.

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