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Session Name:

Game Discoverability Day: Free vs. Paid: Discoverability for Smaller Mobile Games


Luke Schneider of Radiangames ('Inferno', 'Slydris') came back to mobile game development in 2018 after 3 years away. His biggest failure as a solo developer was a free mobile game in 2013, and he'd achieved repeatable moderate success with paid mobile games from 2011 to 2015, but the industry constantly changes. In his talk, Schneider will reveal detailed metrics for multiple free and paid game launches in today's market - on iOS and Android from late 2018 and early 2019. In particular, you'll find out how discoverability around developing and promoting the games change for small and medium developers who don't have large marketing spend, when you switch from paid to free (and vice versa).

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  • GDC 2019
  • Luke Schneider
  • Radiangames
  • free content
  • Business & Marketing
  • Business & Marketing