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Session Name:

Educators Summit: Next Level Arcade: Course Case Study


In this case study, Jessie Contour, Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Texas at Austin, will deep dive into the teaching methodologies in UT Austin's course Next Level Arcade (NLA). In NLA, students work in teams over a semester to produce alternative control arcade games for projects like alt.ctrl.GDC. The journey starts with a research and ideation process to rapidly generate ideas and form students into teams based on wide-ranging individual specialties. On their teams, students work together to plan, build, document, and present the final project. Along the way, they also cover topics like self-promotion in the indie game industry, holistic approaches for tying the game theme to every aspect of development, buttons and knobs, and project management strategies for the best possible project results and team cohesion.

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  • Game Developers Conference 2023
  • Jessie Contour
  • University of Texas at Austin
  • free content
  • Educators Summit
  • Game Career / Education