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Session Name:

Game Career Seminar: Steam Best Practices: Developing an Audience While Developing Your Game


The best marketing tool for your game is your game. Seriously.nnMarketing is an easy thing to overthink, and it would be great if there was one template for every developer to follow in order to guarantee they're doing it the "right way". But just as no game is the same, no intended audience is either, and that means a one-size-fits-all approach to how you "should" communicate about your game is simply wrong. nnSo how *should* you market you game? In this session we'll outline why *should* doesn't exist (and can, in fact, trip you up). Instead we'll highlight the range of tools and features available for you to use (or not!) on Steam, as well as the different ways to leverage the and combine them depending on your goals. nnOn Steam, your game is the best marketing tool you have, and this session will walk you through all of the different ways you can use the various tools, features, and events we have to optimize getting your game in front of the audience you made it for.n

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