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Session Name:

Building Successful Interdisciplinary Game Programs: Bridging the Gaps


Most game programs don't start out covering all the bases, and initial choices must be made between emphasizing undergrads or grads, professional training or research, design or technology, tenure track or contract lecturers, etc. As programs mature and expand their offerings these tensions change, yet still persist. In this panel, expert educators from four different mature game programs will discuss how these tensions have played out in each of their programs, and offer fellow professors detailed advice on how to both manage these tensions and prepare for the inevitable tensions that will arise in the future.

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  • GDC 2013
  • Jeremy Gibson
  • University of Southern California
  • Andrew Phelps
  • RIT
  • Magy Seif El-Nasr
  • Northeastern University
  • Jim Whitehead
  • University of California Santa Cruz
  • free content
  • GDC Education Summit
  • Game Career / Education