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Session Name:

Building a Successful Educational App for Kids....With or Without Elmo


Although the kids educational space is far more democratic than other categories in the iTunes store, developers need to be realistic about competing with brands. Elmo sells. Dora sells. Sofia the First sells. Franny the Fantastic Frog probably won't. Developers need to make strategic decisions about developing educational apps that compete with well-established brands supported by television, movies, or books. Some apps can compete in this crowded space, and others will certainly fail. This lecture, led by Dreamkind President Jay Schiffman, will help developers navigate the kids space and make strategic product and marketing decisions that will help their apps stand out against powerful kids brands.

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  • ADC 2013
  • Jay Schiffman
  • Dreamkind
  • free content
  • Education Apps
  • Game Career / Education
  • Entertainment Apps
  • Other