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Session Name:

Inertialization: High-Performance Animation Transitions in 'Gears of War'


This talk presents a new high-performance approach to animation transitions that the Microsoft team developed for 'Gears of War 4'. The traditional approach to animation transitions involves blending between the old source animation state and the new target animation state; however this can have a significant performance cost, because one must evaluate both the source and target animation states during a transition, effectively doubling the animation evaluation cost. For 'Gears of War 4', Microsoft eliminated these blended transitions altogether and chose to instead handle motion transitions as a post-process with a technique called "inertialization". Eliminating these blended transitions gave them a significant performance boost because they no longer needed to evaluate multiple animation states during the transition. In this talk, David Bollo presents the mathematics behind Microsoft's inertialization technique, for both vector and quaternion values, and show how it can be easily introduced into an existing game engine.

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  • GDC 2018
  • David Bollo
  • Microsoft
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming