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Session Name:

Time IS on Your Side: Personal Time Management Strategies for Crunch


Sure, you can walk and chew gum at the same time, but can you crunch and still be happy? Time sickness is the belief that time is always slipping away, that there is never enough of it, and that you must go faster and faster to keep up. Those in the games industry can get both physically ill as well as suffer time sickness during crunch. While crunching on 'Perception' while caring for four children (including one toddler and one infant), Amanda Gardner HAD to learn to be flawless with her time management to insure the success of her debut game, in addition to being there for her family. The strategies she used helped free her from the constraints of not having too many hours in the day, and not enough energy to push through. She hopes to share her ideas to help elevate the industry's general well-being regarding crunch.

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