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Session Name:

KingsRoad Design Postmortem: Transitioning from Retail to F2P Game Development


Rumble Entertainment was founded by a group of AAA veterans who believed that by creating a game with more interesting gameplay than the existing slate of F2P browser/mobile games, they would have a hit on their hands. They were wrong. In this session, John Yoo, design director at Rumble Entertainment, will deep dive into the difficult development process of Rumble's first title, the action RPG KingsRoad, as it transitioned from an interesting game into a successful game-as-a-service, with more than 1 million active players and growing. The talk will show how you can preserve the features traditional gamers crave - like real-time multiplayer, synchronous multiplayer, and lots and lots of loot - while optimizing your game as a service that can profitably sustain players for years to come.

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  • GDC 2014
  • John Yoo
  • Rumble Entertainment
  • free content
  • Design
  • Design