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Session Name:

Advanced Graphics Tech: "D3D12 and Vulkan Done Right" & "Wave Programming in D3D12 and Vulkan"


"D3D12 and Vulkan Done Right":
Gareth Thomas (AMD) will discuss how with great power comes great responsibility and it is down to the game developer to feed the GPU correctly on explicit APIs. This talk focuses on key areas which AMD and NVIDIA have both found to require careful consideration.

"Wave Programming in D3D12 and Vulkan":
David Lively (AMD) and Holger Gruen (NVIDIA) will provide background on the new SIMD-level programming constructs supported in D3D and Vulkan. This talk will provide insight on managing portability given variations of SIMD-width between vendors, and diving into some practical cases for shader optimization.

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  • GDC 2017
  • Holger Gruen
  • David Lively
  • AMD
  • Gareth Thomas
  • AMD
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming