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Session Name:

Automated Testing: Using AI Controlled Players to Test 'The Division'


Developing and testing big open world games is an immense undertaking. In response to the scale of this challenge, Ubisoft Reflections has been developing, in the context of 'The Division', "Client Bots", an AI that takes control of the player, mimicking human input while also reporting issues (missions incomplete-able, performance statistics etc.). Applications of this technology include automated mission play through and report generation, follow bots that help QC and level designers to test multiplayer missions solo, streets wandering for performance data gathering, a general purpose platform for any bespoke testing and a tool to assist bug reproduction. This session will present the motivations behind the system, citing many of the Ubisoft Reflections team's use cases to give insight into the internal architecture of their client bots, the challenges they faced, and best practices on how to build content to support such a technology.

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  • GDC 2019
  • Jose Paredes
  • Ubisoft
  • Pete Jones
  • Ubisoft
  • free content
  • Programming
  • Programming